Fixing the food system across generations, across the table, across the world
Fixing the food system across generations, across the table, across the world



Generation Food’s mission is to amplify stories that inspire people to learn, connect, co-create, and change the world food system. While we are following some amazing stories on our own, we know that collaboration is key for connecting people and creating change locally and globally.

We have been co-creating Generation Food with the help of experts in various fields. With our stories and theirs, we aim to engage and inspire systemic thinking about, and systemic change in the way we eat today.

We’ve learned that with partnerships we can make a bigger impact with the stories we’re telling about real people influencing meaningful change in regards to health, faith, labor, nutrition, gentrification, grocery stores, women’s empowerment, agroecology and food sovereignty across the globe.

Some of our goals include: connecting people and communities to the food issues that matter most to them; supporting the efforts of individuals and groups working for a more sustainable food system; and making the world food system more equal, just, and fair.

Stay tuned for announcements about Generation Food partners coming this spring.
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