From children to elders, at farmers markets and fast food drive-throughs, in the fields and in the schoolyards, food is everywhere, every day, touching everyone. Food is connected to everything.
Throughout the world, many people are doing ground-breaking work in reinventing the food system. However, the absence of a coherent narrative in which people can find their own actions leads many to believe that the food system – broken though it is – is too big to change. It isn’t.
There are many stories to tell – and we want to tell them differently. We want to “co-create” Generation Food with people making change on the ground, so their stories can be told with dignity, and to as wide a group of people ready to hear the news as possible. To build that foundation, we’ve been working with smart, dedicated people in the fields of technology and media, food activism and the environment, labor, health and faith, to assess their needs and create a strategy that helps spotlight the good work they are doing on the ground.
We at Generation Food aim to amplify stories and connect people to create change locally and globally. We are creating a pathway to put food on the world agenda. We know that we cannot change the food system alone, but with the involvement of partners and individuals, through actions large and small, we know that together, we can make systemic change.
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